Blog post #5
How's Diigo been so far?

Honestly? It's okay, but I definitely need more practice with it. I don't fully understand the purpose of Diigo. Something about bookmarking, but it's a little confusing for me to keep up with. I only know what I'm doing due to receiving assistance from the teacher and the lovely Morgan, who knows more about technology than I do, apparently. I'm sure the software means well, but it's been difficult trying to navigate through it.
What do I like about it? That I can sync it with my Google devices so I don't have to keep reinstalling it. I know that once I get the hang of it, it'll be a breeze. I'm currently at the rocky beginning, getting accustomed to the flow of things. But I can only go up from here.
What don't I like about it? I don't understand what the point of using Diigo is, but I know it'll make sense with time.
What about blogging?

I really enjoy the creative freedom that comes with these blog posts. I get to add a bunch of memes or reaction pictures to enhance the words that I type. I enjoy the simplicity of these assignments because they aren't strenuous or even stressful. I just log into blogger and type away until I'm satisfied. I thought it would be difficult trying to reach the word-count but lately, I've been exceeding it every time. There isn't much I dislike about these blog posts. Maybe trying to come up with clever titles for the subheadings, or trying to find a sufficient image to might with the words I'm trying to say. Or on certain weeks, the prompts we're given might be a bit hard to answer right away (because I need to learn more about the topic), but other than that, it's been fun.
Web 2.0

There are many Web 2.0 tools that can be used not only by teachers, but anyone can benefit from them. One of the tools I want to mention is Instagram. Although it isn't commonly used in classrooms, there are ways to do so. It can be used to capture memories, perhaps present a "student of the month," and so on. There are 1 billion users every month who log into and benefit from Instagram. I could use Instagram in the classroom to reach my future students' creative sides. I like to think of it as a visual blog. It's primarily focused on photos, yet meaningful captions can be written, and hashtags can be used to find other posts or content relevant to what is being searched for. Check it out
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